By Laws

By-Law # 1
Membership (Team unit) must be approved by League Executive.
By-Law # 2
All members (players, coaches, managers, etc.) shall uphold, observe, and conform to the League rules, League by-laws, and such regulations/ amendments as adopted by the League Executive.
By-Law # 3
All members (Team units) must pay a membership as stipulated by the League Executive, within pre-defined time limits.
Membership fee is used to cover the following operating costs:
- Diamond Permit Fee
- League and Championship Awards
- Insurance
- Affiliation Membership Fees
- Administration
- Bond
By-Law # 4
Fee's, rules, game times, diamond locations, etc. shall be as the League Executive decides, based on availability.
By-Law # 5
League Executive shall consist of a minimum 2 people, maximum 5 people:
1) President
2) Vice-President (1) - Tournament Convener
3) Scheduler
4) Secretary/ Statistician
5) Treasurer
By-Law # 6
Signing Officer must be at least TWO (2) League Executives. Terms of office intended to be held for three years. Elections will be held every three years, or sooner, if need arises. Incumbent Executives may be re-elected. No maximum term of office.
The Executive retains the right to remove any Executive member from their position, who is deemed to be not fulfilling his/ her duties. Any League member in good standing, who has been an official Team rep for a period of two years, may run for a position on the Executive.
Applications must be submitted in writing to the League President one month before Annual General Meeting.
By-Law # 7
General meetings will be held during the months of January, February, MArch, April, and before playoffs, consisting of League Executives and Team Reps. Prospective Team Reps may also be present. Deposit of $200 and/ or any outstanding fines to be paid at February meeting.
By-Law # 8
The Constitution and By-Laws will be reviewed and updated, as needed, each year at the General Meetings, in accordance with voting Procedures. All proposals must be made in writing, and delivered to a member of Executive, at least 14 days prior to the next General Meeting.
By-Law # 9
Rules Of Play will be reviewed and updated, as needed, by the Executive. Any decisions made must be a unanimous decision by League Executive.
Team Reps to be informed in a timely manner. All Proposals must be made in writing, and delivered to a member of the Executive for review, and, if favourable, incorporated into Rules Of Play.
By-Law # 10
At all times, players, coaches, managers, Team reps, etc. must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, to ensure the respectability and integrity of the League, and its members. This will include the non-consumption of alcoholic beverages on the field, in the dugout, or in the bleachers, stands, sidelines or parking lots. Failure to comply may result in a fine and/ or expulsion from the League (individual and/ or team). League to enforce all fines handed down from enforcing body.
By-Law # 11
The League Executive shall have the right to classify teams for League Divisional play. Classification will be based, primarily, on the previous year's performance. In the case where significant roster changes have occurred, the League Executive must be advised, in writing, stating full particulars. Any team has the right to appeal its classification to the League Executive, but the League Executive retains the right to the final decision.
Teams finishing in the first position after regular season must move up to the next division the following season. If they feel they cannot compete at that level, they will be permitted to stay in the same division, but can only carry SIX (6) players from the previous season's list of players. The League reserves the right to move up the 2nd and 3rd place teams, at the discretion of the Executive.
Teams finishing last in the division will be given the right to move down to the next lower division, but may stay, if they choose, and the Executive agree.
By-Law # 12
A team "in good standing" shall be defined as any team whose fees are paid in full, including bond, fees, and any fines. NO TEAM is permitted to begin a season of play, or playoffs, that is NOT "in good standing".
By-Law # 13
A ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) dollar fee must accompany each protest. The protest fee will be returned, if the protest is upheld. Protests must be IN WRITING and must be received by the Executive within 24 hours (1 business day, excluding weekends and holidays) of the game. Umpire and opposing team must be notified. Protest procedure to be in accordance with governing body outline.

(Revised by vote January, 2012)